Foodie Ideas for La Rentrée

Foodie Ideas for La Rentrée

After a summer of indulgence, it’s time to ease back into real life and introduce a healthy diet full of flavour and energy.

It’s early September, and following the great escape to holiday homes and beaches across southern Europe, la rentrée has begun. The academic year is about to start, office workers are back at their desks and cultural life is starting up again.

Although the French claim la rentrée as their own – it started in the 1930s when Parisian workers were given paid holidays – this phenomenon is no longer their exclusive preserve. Many Italians and Spaniards now also disappear to the seaside in summer, before returning en masse at the end of August.

After a summer of fun, it might be hard to embrace the return to your busy life, but here are a few ideas for incorporating nourishing eating plans into family life – looking and feeling great will help you all face new challenges at school or work.

Plan a balanced menu

Keeping everybody fit, healthy and happy is always a challenge, so it’s time to get organised and ensure that the whole family sits down to eat wholesome and sustaining dishes together.

Plan menus ahead so you know exactly what to buy at the grocery store, market and supermarket. Look for easy recipes like veggie burgers or spaghetti carbonara for quickly prepared meals, and make a list of fresh and healthy ingredients to take with you when you go shopping.

A balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy is what you are aiming for, and planning ahead will stop you grabbing something sugary or full of carbohydrates for a quick pick-me-up after a long day back at work.

Feed your kids healthy snacks

Kids nervous about the big return to school? Buy them new lunchboxes and fill them with healthy goodies. Even if pupils are eating a balanced school lunch, they still need an energy boost to get the best out of the day. Keeping them filled up with low-sugar snacks combining fibre and protein is easy, even if you don’t have time to cook.

Send them off to school with one of the following:

- a pot of nuts and dried fruit
- celery with peanut butter
- wholegrain crackers with cheese
- a tub of plain yoghurt
- lightly salted popcorn
- chopped fruit like melon or pineapple.

Pretend you’re still on holiday

Lessen the blow of reality intruding after your long summer in the sun and celebrate autumn… Make a picnic and enjoy it outside, eating artisan cheeses and seasonal treats like foie gras, cèpes mushrooms and game pâté from china plates, and drink rich claret from delicate glasses.

Or how about recreating your favourite summer dish? Find the recipe online, or get creative with fresh ingredients and make your own version of Provençal pissaladière, tapas from Andalusia or tomato-topped focaccia all the way from Puglia.

And if all else fails, head for the nearest brasserie and indulge in a lavish seafood platter to remind you of leisurely lunches by the Mediterranean Sea!

(*) Average meal price calculated on the basis of starter and main course or main course and dessert, excluding drinks, menu and promotional offers. The average price is an estimate only, calculated according to the prices provided by the restaurant. Depending on the country, the average price may or may not include all taxes.