Top 1O Afterwork - Bars & Restaurants


Top 10 Restaurants and Bars for After-Work Drinks

Celebrate the end of the workday or workweek with a drink at one of these friendly city-centre restaurants and bars.

When you’re done at the office but not ready to head home just yet, that’s the time to grab some friends and meet for after-work drinks. Here’s a list of casual yet stylish restaurants and bars in France that are perfect for post-work socialising. Some of these places also serve up stunning city views from the rooftop. For an even better time, share some tapas or a charcuterie board. So close that laptop and enjoy yourself!

(*) Average meal price calculated on the basis of starter and main course or main course and dessert, excluding drinks, menu and promotional offers. The average price is an estimate only, calculated according to the prices provided by the restaurant. Depending on the country, the average price may or may not include all taxes.