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La Carte Postale


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La Carte Postale: chic, Corsican restaurant facing the bay of Ajaccio and the Sanguinaires Islands.

  • Local and seasonal products for more flavors...

  • A breathtaking, soothing view from sunrise to sunset over the sea

  • An unusual and secret place for your exquisite dinners: Le Paradis des Sens

  • Sunday brunch

La Carte Postale's decor is quite simply unique! From the dining room to the terrace facing the sea, we provide the ideal setting to enjoy a cocktail, lunch with friends, or a special dinner at sunset. Savour fresh Mediterranean flavours with a Corsican twist.

On the edge of a private estate in Porticcio, La Carte Postale offers a dreamlike setting. The sea draws your gaze wherever you sit, making you feel like you're on the prow of a ship. Enjoy an exceptional panoramic view of the Gulf of Ajaccio from the terrace, or sit inside, where Laurent Maugoust's refined design plays with transparency. The restaurant has a stylish yet relaxed yacht vibe, providing timeless experiences.
Your Mediterranean journey continues on your plate with cuisine carefully crafted by our chef, Stephan Remon. Our team is on hand to advise you and help you navigate our menu, which features locally caught fish, seasonal local vegetables, herbs from the maquis and more. Typical Corsican 'surf and turf' influences enhance the flavours of our dishes. But we also offer Sunday brunches and summer barbecues for a fun meal out with friends.
Corsica also sets the tone in our cocktail and champagne bar. We recommend 'Le Fizzy': litchi liqueur, Helichrysum syrup, lemon juice, strawberries and champagne. For a more personal touch, our mixologists are more than happy to get creative. Make unforgettable memories as you relax in the sun to the soothing sound of the waves, with the sea as your backdrop.

Current offers

La Carte Postale: the Corsican terroir and the sea as far as the eye can see.

Stephan REMON, master chef of France

STÉPHANE RÉMON, OUR MASTER CHEF OF FRANCE After working in Canada, Hungary and Austria for the Sofitel brand, Stéphan Rémon is now based at one of the most beautiful hotels in Corsica: the Sofitel Golf d'Ajaccio, Thalassa Sea & Spa. Exploiting the unique and exceptional terroir of the island of beauty, with its wild ingredients from the sea and the mountains, hand in hand with the best artisans of Corsica, his original cuisine is distinctly Mediterranean, influenced by the flavors and ingredients discovered during his travels around the world. The onus is on freshness, taste and aesthetics.


"Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5, based on 30 reviews"

  • el valuta

    5 stars out of 5

    1 month ago

    Great view, great food, great staff!

  • Fab59

    3 stars out of 5

    10 months ago

    (Translated by Google) Hello, we had reserved a table at the La Carte Postale restaurant for two people, unfortunately upon our arrival we were informed that it was privatized.
    We were supposed to be notified by telephone according to the person who welcomed us, but this was not done.
    We were placed at the brasserie with the restaurant menu, the postcard.
    Aperitif served, the starters immediately follow, we leave them aside, fortunately "cold starter", the time to enjoy our aperitif, to the point of worrying the waiter, who came to ask us if everything was okay.
    When we were serving our plates, we told the person that for the dish we were in no hurry, to which the lady replied, don't worry, it takes time to cook the fish.
    I'll let you guess, between eight and ten minutes then the dish arrives.
    In short, dinner in a gastro, aperitif, starter, main course and coffee in less than an hour, we really had the impression of disturbing, quickly served, quickly left!
    And again, the neighboring table was less lucky than us, aperitif served, the hot dish arrived afterwards, without Mr having time to consume his cocktail, with to complete the loop, the cocktail removed from the table still full.
    What a shame, I sincerely think that with a little extra know-how, it could have been perfect, the excellence of the welcome and the meal were present.

    Bonjour, nous avions réservé une table au restaurant la carte postale pour deux personnes, malheureusement à notre arrivée, nous avons été prévenu que celui-ci était privatisé.
    Nous devions être prévenu par téléphone selon la personne qui nous a accueilli, mais cela n’a pas été fait.
    Nous avons été placé à la brasserie avec la carte du restaurant, la carte postale.
    Apéritif servi, les entrées suivent immédiatement, nous les laissons de côté, forte heureusement « entrée froide »,le temps de déguster notre apéritif, au point d’inquiéter le serveur, qui est venu nous demander si tout allait bien.
    Au moment de nous desservir nos assiettes, nous précisons à la personne, que pour le plat nous n’étions pas pressé, à cela à la dame nous a répondu, ne vous inquiétez pas il faut le temps de cuire le poisson.
    Je vous laisse deviner, entre huit et dix minutes ensuite le plat arrive.
    Bref, dîner dans un gastro, apéritif, entrée, plat et café en moins d’une heure, nous avons vraiment eu l’impression de déranger, vite servi, vite parti !
    Et encore, la table voisine a eu moins moins de chance que nous, apéritif servi, le plat chaud arrive à la suite, sans que Mr a eu le temps de consommer son cocktail, avec pour boucler la boucle, le cocktail retirer de la table encore plein.
    Quel dommage, je pense sincèrement qu’avec un zeste de savoir-faire en plus, cela aurait pu être parfait, l’excellence de l’accueil et du repas étaient présent.

  • Anne K

    4 stars out of 5

    10 months ago
  • albin LANDRY

    5 stars out of 5

    10 months ago

    (Translated by Google) Perfect !
    Super friendly team who helped us celebrate a special event within the team.

    Perfectly cooked and tender meat, accompanied by a vegetable and fruit lasagna (mango/lemon), a simply magnificent combination on the palate.

    Fast service in a location offering a panoramic view of the sea.

    Very good wine and fish/meat

    Perfect full meal accompanied by a superb team to top it off.

    The only downside is the desserts.

    I recommend !

    Parfait !
    Équipe super sympathique qui nous a aidé à fêter un événement spécial au sein de l’équipe.

    Viande parfaitement cuite et tendre, accompagnée d’une lasagne de légume et de fruits (mangue/citron), un mariage tout simplement magnifique en bouche.

    Service rapide dans un lieu offrant une vision panoramique sur la mer.

    Très bon vin et poissons/viandes

    Repas complet parfaits accompagnés d’une superbe équipe pour couronner le tout.

    Seul bémol, les desserts.

    Je recommande !

Location & Contact


Domaine de la Pointe Golfe d'Ajaccio
Porticcio 20166

Opening hours

Monday 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday 06:30 - 22:00
Friday 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday 06:30 - 22:00
Sunday 06:30 - 22:00


from 01/11/2023 to 01/03/2024

Restaurant location


  • Non Smoking Area

  • Credit card

  • Other payment options

  • Pet allowed

  • Wheelchair access

  • Free Wireless internet (WiFi)

  • Meals by the swimming Pool

  • Booster Seats available (for Baby)

  • Reservation recommended

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(*) Average meal price calculated on the basis of starter and main course or main course and dessert, excluding drinks, menu and promotional offers. The average price is an estimate only, calculated according to the prices provided by the restaurant. Depending on the country, the average price may or may not include all taxes.