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Gourmet Bar Grenoble


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Le Gourmet Bar: an inviting bar-restaurant in Grenoble with a warm and friendly atmosphere

  • Seasonal cuisine

  • Regional ingredients

  • A warm and friendly atmosphere

  • Open 7 days a week

Designed to be a vibrant and welcoming bar-restaurant, Le Gourmet Bar Grenoble invites you to enjoy regional, seasonal cuisine. Inspired by authentic and traditional bistro recipes, our chef offers delicious, simple yet gourmet dishes for lunch and dinner.

We wanted to make the Gourmet Bar a welcoming place for every moment of the day. In a chilled out setting that is ideal for reading, working or taking a moment for yourself. In the evening, the atmosphere is a little livelier for drinks, after-work events or concerts. For lunch and dinner, our chef invites you to discover some local culinary classics. Simple, delightful, gourmet dishes that are both typical and packed with authentic flavor. Treat yourself to our Saint-Marcellin burger or ravioli gratin, two of our Gourmet Bar's specialties. Or, why not opt for our regularly updated seasonal menu?

Current offers

Le Gourmet Bar: simple, delicious, hearty and seasonal cuisine


"Rating: 4.6 stars out of 5, based on 114 reviews"

  • Francis Monnet

    2 stars out of 5

    2 weeks ago

    (Translated by Google) I don't usually post reviews on the internet, but here I have to. This place should be avoided. The chef doesn't even know what guinea fowl supreme is. And there presentation of dishes to help. As someone who travels once a month to the region, I know that I will no longer spend a kopeck in this restaurant. For 29€ you can easily eat better elsewhere. The notes really need to be reviewed....

    Je ne met généralement pas d'avis sur internet, mais là je suis obligé. Cet endroit est à fuir. Le chef ne sais même pas ce qu'est un suprême de pintade. Et là présentation des plats au secours. Moi qui suis en déplacement une fois par mois dans la région, je sais que je ne mettrai plus un kopeck dans ce restaurant. Pour 29€ on peut largement manger mieux ailleurs. Les notes sont vraiment à revoir....

  • Mathis Bonheur

    4 stars out of 5

    5 months ago

    (Translated by Google) Good welcome, simple and good dishes but nothing exceptional. The presentation of the risotto left something to be desired and did not really look like the other photos. Very calm atmosphere.

    Bon accueil, plats simples et bons mais rien d'exceptionnel. Le dressage du risotto laissait a désirer et ne ressemblait pas tellement aux autres photos. Ambiance très calme.

  • Michèle NOUKIMI

    1 stars out of 5

    8 months ago

    (Translated by Google) A big thank you to Julien for the quality of service!

    Edit: I'm updating following an incident a few months ago at this restaurant. A waiter spilled coffee ☕️ on me without apologizing and explaining to me that it was my fault. Not even a paper towel to help me clean myself. I asked to be called back by the director who never did. However, I had been going there regularly for several years and organized seminars there. And mm if Julien offered the meals after my departure, I did not receive an apology from this person who behaved very badly. This is certainly a special case; As far as I'm concerned, I won't set foot there again.

    Un grand merci à Julien pour la qualité de service !

    Édit : je mets à jour suite à un incident il y a déjà quelques mois à ce restaurant. Un serveur m'a renversé le café ☕️ dessus sans s'excuser et en m'expliquant que c'était de ma faute. Pas même une serviette en papier pour m'aider à me debarbouiller. J'ai demandé à être rappelée par le directeur qui ne l'a jamais fait. J'y allais pourtant régulièrement depuis plusieurs années et y organisais mm des seminaires. Et mm si Julien a offert les repas après mon départ, je n'ai pas eu d'excuses de cette personne qui s'est très mal comportée. Il s'agit d'un cas à part certainement; en ce qui me concerne je n'y remettrai plus les pieds.

  • Alex Pantaz

    5 stars out of 5

    5 months ago

    I loved it! Fast nice and warm plates! Nice service! I recommend! The prices are very interesting!

Location & Contact


7 place Robert Schuman
Grenoble 38000

Opening hours

Monday 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30
Tuesday 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30
Wednesday 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30
Thursday 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30
Friday 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30
Saturday 19:00 - 22:30
Sunday 19:00 - 22:30

Restaurant location


  • Non Smoking Area

  • Credit card

  • Other payment options

  • Pet allowed

  • Private lounge

  • Wheelchair access

  • Free Wireless internet (WiFi)

  • Parking

  • Booster Seats available (for Baby)

  • Reservation recommended

  • Air conditioning

Nearby restaurants

(*) Average meal price calculated on the basis of starter and main course or main course and dessert, excluding drinks, menu and promotional offers. The average price is an estimate only, calculated according to the prices provided by the restaurant. Depending on the country, the average price may or may not include all taxes.