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Take to the skies to share our Italian-Spanish cuisine

  • A cuisine for sharing

  • An exceptional rooftop in Antibes

  • Incredible views of the sea

  • A relaxing atmosphere

When visual pleasures meet those of the senses, magic sets to work and your happiness is the result. Quinto Cielo is without doubt the most beautiful rooftop in Antibes, an address known only to insiders who relish a combination of gorgeous surroundings and good food. Visit and discover creative, gourmet Italian-Spanish cuisine.

Dine beneath the stars. Quinto Cielo invites guests to simply be happy. Enjoy a meal or special night away between the sea and sky. Savor delightful Spanish and Italian cuisine as you soar to new heights. Get away from the crowds and treat yourself to a unique view in an elevated location with a laid-back atmosphere. Indulge in a moment of pleasure on our lush, shaded terrace inspired by a beloved Italy and a Spain that we're rediscovering. Whether you choose this secret spot for a romantic dinner for two, an evening with friends or after-work drinks with colleagues, Quinto Cielo is a great setting for lovers of quality and togetherness in search of exclusivity. On the menu: good music, relaxation and food for sharing under a Mediterranean sky!

Current offers

Kevin Van Rompu


"Rating: 4.2 stars out of 5, based on 69 reviews"

  • Mélanie Logie

    5 stars out of 5

    5 days ago
  • Kévin Pin

    5 stars out of 5

    5 days ago
  • Thomas

    1 stars out of 5

    2 weeks ago

    (Translated by Google) Very bad experience this evening in this restaurant with my partner…
    The quality of the dishes is not there, regarding the quantity, it is simply unacceptable!
    On the other hand, the price is there…
    It wasn't the first time in this restaurant, but unfortunately, it will be the last...

    Très mauvaise expérience ce soir dans ce restaurant avec ma compagne…
    La qualité des plats n’est pas au rendez-vous, concernant la quantité, c’est juste inadmissible !
    Par contre, le prix est au rendez-vous…
    Ce n’était pas la première fois dans ce restaurant, mais malheureusement, ce sera bien la dernière…

  • Pauline Mourrat

    3 stars out of 5

    2 weeks ago

    (Translated by Google) Beautiful location but really basic food. A risotto that looks like porridge, really limited dishes for the price and the setting. I will go back there for a drink at sunset but never eat there again!

    Lieu magnifique mais nourriture vraiment basique. Un risotto qui ressemble à une bouillie, des plats vraiment limites pour le prix et le cadre. J'y retournerai pour boire un verre au coucher de soleil mais y manger, plus jamais !

Location & Contact


5 Avenue Saramartel
Antibes 06160

Opening hours

Monday 12:32 - 22:32
Tuesday 12:32 - 22:32
Wednesday 12:32 - 22:32
Thursday 12:32 - 22:32
Friday 12:32 - 22:32
Saturday 12:32 - 22:32
Sunday 12:32 - 22:32

Restaurant location


  • Non Smoking Area

  • Credit card

  • Other payment options

  • Pet allowed

  • Wheelchair access

  • Free Wireless internet (WiFi)

  • Parking

  • Meals by the swimming Pool

  • Booster Seats available (for Baby)

  • Reservation recommended

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(*) Average meal price calculated on the basis of starter and main course or main course and dessert, excluding drinks, menu and promotional offers. The average price is an estimate only, calculated according to the prices provided by the restaurant. Depending on the country, the average price may or may not include all taxes.