Mediterranean, Terrace
Mediterranean, Terrace
Types of menus :
Live life the southern French way at Les Cabanes. Lulled by humming cicadas and the cool of the pool, you can sample delicious tapas, share generous charcuterie boards and savour our recipes made using sun-kissed regional vegetables. Take time out (again) and live life outdoors, making the most of the warmth and beautiful weather.
No nos han servido nada de alcohol en la cena. Nuestro vuelo ha sido cancelado hasta el día siguiente.La aerolinea nos indemniza con estancia en el hotel y cena.Es normal que la compañía no quiera sufragar alcohol. Pero, NO ES NORMAL QUE NO NOS LO SIRVAN AUN PAGANDO DE NUESTRO BOLSILLO (Translated by Google) We were not served any alcohol at dinner. Our flight has been canceled until the next day. The airline compensates us with a hotel stay and dinner. It is normal that the company does not want to cover alcohol. BUT, IT IS NOT NORMAL THAT THEY DO NOT SERVE US EVEN PAYING OUT OF OUR POCKET
Première, et dernière fois que j’irai là-bas, j’ai commandé un burger en précisant que je ne voulais pas un aliment. La Serveuse m’a ramené le burger avec des tranches de lardons alors que je n’en mange pas. Je lui ai fait la réflexion et à ma grande stupéfaction, elle est revenue avec le même burger, sans me le changer, ils ont juste enlevé les tranches de lardons que j’aurais bien évidemment pu enlever moi-même… Je trouve que c’est vraiment honteux, n’allez surtout pas là-bas si vous avez des allergies ou des problèmes alimentaires car à tout moment vous repartez avec un œdème de Quick et aux urgences . C’est pour cela que je ne mettrai aucune étoile à ce restaurant brasserie et que je vous le déconseille fortement. (Translated by Google) First and last time I went there, I ordered a burger, specifying that I didn't want any food. The waitress brought me the burger with slices of bacon even though I don't eat any. I said this to her and to my great amazement, she came back with the same burger, without changing it for me, they just removed the slices of bacon which I obviously could have removed myself... I think it's really shameful, don't go there if you have allergies or food problems because at any time you will leave with Quick's edema and go to the emergency room. This is why I will not give this brasserie restaurant any stars and why I strongly advise against it.
Très bonne table. Personnel sympa. Déco très jolie. Les toilettes sentent trop bon ! Ça fait plaisir… (Translated by Google) Very good table. Nice staff. Very pretty decor. The toilets smell so good! It’s nice…
121 Avenue Jacqueline Auriol Zone Aeroportuaire Montpellier Mediterranee
MAUGUIO, 34130
Monday | 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30 |
Tuesday | 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30 |
Wednesday | 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30 |
Thursday | 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30 |
Friday | 12:00 - 14:30, 19:00 - 22:30 |
Saturday | 19:00 - 22:30 |
Sunday | 19:00 - 22:30 |