Web Accessibility: partially compliant

1. Commitment of the Accor group

The Accor group is committed to making its websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005. This applies to the website https://restaurantsandbars.accor.com

2. Compliance status

The Restaurants and bars website (https://restaurantsandbars.accor.com) obtains a compliance score of 53%, it is therefore in partial compliance with the general benchmark for improving accessibility due to non-compliance and exemptions listed below.

3. Test results

The compliance audit carried out by the company Clever Age reveals that:

  • 53% RGAA criteria are respected

The audit report is available on request by writing to : referent.accessibilite@accor.com.

4. Content not accessible

The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:

4.1 Non-compliance

  • Since images are placed in a <figure> element, they are no longer considered decorative, and should therefore have a textual alternative.

  • <figure> tags do not contain a role="figure" or role="group" attribute.

  • <figure> tags do not contain an aria-label attribute

  • Active elements are indicated by color only.

  • The bullet points of some carousels and form fields do not contrast sufficiently with the background. The contrast ratio is 1.4:1 while the minimum required is 3:1

  • The borders of form fields do not contrast sufficiently with the background. The contrast ratio is 1.4:1 while the minimum required is 3:1.

  • “fr” and “en” links are not explicit about their function.

  • Play/pause buttons do not indicate the current position.

  • The carousel arrows have the same title.

  • The modal close button has no label.

  • Choosing a date is impossible in keyboard navigation. The focus remains on the button triggering the opening of the datepicker.

  • A blind user will not be notified of the display and updating of content prior to entry.

  • When activating the carousel arrows, a blind user is not notified of the content that has just been updated.

  • Messages are only read once by NVDA on Firefox, and not read by VoiceOver on Safari.

  • Titles do not identify the content of the pages.

  • The text “Food” is not identified in the English language.

  • Elements do not contain text.

  • Titles are not tagged correctly and are not identified as such.

  • Use of multiple <nav> elements without differentiating them.

  • Wrong writing of the <br> element.

  • The <legend> element is not allowed as a child of a <div> element.

  • A <div> element is not accepted as a direct child of a <ul> element.

  • The <li> element is not allowed as a direct child of a <div> element.

  • Role="group" attributes are not allowed on a <li> element.

  • The datepicker has no semantic structure. Without CSS it is unreadable.

  • On a screen, tablet format, texts are cut off.

  • The dates in the datepicker are truncated.

  • The link placed on the * is not sufficiently visible, it is not differentiated from the rest of the text.

  • The style applied to indicate focus is not sufficient. If color alone is used to indicate focus, that color must have a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 with the default color.

  • The default border color is #DADADD, the focused border color is #8B8A93. The contrast ratio between these 2 colors is 2.4:1.

  • The list of carousel items can be browsed while the items are not visible.

  • Sticky nav links can take focus when not visible.

  • The open/closed state of dropdowns is not returned to assistive technologies.

  • Common items are indicated visually only.

  • At a window width of 320px, content exceeds and causes horizontal scrolling.

  • Some fields have no visible label.

  • Fields are not grouped.

  • The + and - buttons have no label.

  • They lack a navigation menu, a sitemap and a search engine.

  • The content of certain modals is not accessible from the keyboard. When activating the “more dates” button, the focus remains on it. If we continue navigation, the focus loops within the “reserve a table” modal without ever going through the datepicker modal.

  • PDF documents offered for download are not accessible.

4.2 Exemptions for disproportionate burden

No exemption for disproportionate burden has been made.

4.3 Content not subject to the accessibility requirement

L’article 3 du décret n°2019-768 du 24 juillet 2019 fait une liste des contenus exemptés de l’obligation d’accessibilité. Nous avons relevé notamment des contenus de tiers qui ne sont ni financés ni développés par l’organisme concerné et qui ne sont pas sous son contrôle :

  • Cartography : Google Maps

  • Video player : Youtube

  • User story : Usabilla

  • Customer reviews : Google My Business

5. Establishment of this accessibility statement

This statement was updated on November 30, 2021.

5.1 Technologies used for the creation of the Restaurants and Bars website

  • HTML 5

  • CSS

  • Vue.JS

  • Axios

  • PHP

  • CMS : TWILL (Laravel)

5.2 User agents, assistive technologies used to verify accessibility

Web page testing was performed with the following web browser and screen reader combinations: Computer: Browser Assistive Technology Firefox NVDA 2021 Safari VoiceOver

5.3 Pages of the site which have been subject to the conformity check

6. Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the Accor mobile application manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.

Contact our customer service:

  • Par email assistance.reservation@accor.com

  • By telephone at +33 (0)825 88 00 00. Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. – Cost of a local call ;

  • By a relay-operator, depending on your mode of communication: French Sign Language (LSF), Real-Time Speech Transcription (TTRP) or Complemented Spoken French Language (LPC). Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Excluding public holidays).

  • Send a message to the Accor accessibility representative: referent.accessibilite@accor.com

7. Remedies

This procedure is to be used in the following case. You have reported to the website manager an accessibility defect that prevents you from accessing content or one of the portal's services and you have not received a satisfactory response.